About Us
No medicine, No operations, No side effects
We are from Holistic HealthCare Acupuncture and Panchakarma Centre serving from the past 25 years with utmost sincerity and dedication, we are here to improve you’re health by introducing a holistic approach in you’re life. Treating various diseases including chronic conditions and severe pain management, Anti-Aging. We treat it with various methods mainly Acupuncture and Hydrogen Healing with other methods too (Ozone, Colon Cleansing, Panchakarma, Skin Rejuvenation etc.)
No medicines, no surgeries we believe in healing and are gifted with a healing touch. Since these are the pandemic times we have specifically created various plans to treat problems related with immunity for people to be able to lead a healthy life even during the pandemic.
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About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique of small tiny needles of gold, silver or stainless steel which are inserted on specific body points.
Acupuncture is a science of metaphysical energy which we can’t see but feel. This energy is known as “Qr (Chi) in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Acupuncture works on nature philosophy. The whole nature is made of five elements which are known as Panchmahabhute As a part of nature human body is also made of five elements, Every element has its own energy. Every organ of our body has these five energies & there is a specific pathway of this energy flow, known as meridians in TCM. When due to any reason such as external atmosphere, diet emotions or any kind of accident, energy flow gets imbalanced Disease occurred Energy may get excess or deficient and flow may get stagnated or diverted.
About Acupuncture
Treatments & Services
Digestion Problem
Acupuncture for digestive problems is safe and effective way to naturally treat many acute and chronic conditions of this important body system. If you've tried conventional medicine to keep digestive problems in check without success consider acupuncture, which is a holistic health treatment without side effects.
Kidney Problem
Acupuncture and related interventions for the symptoms of chronic kidney disease. Patients with chronic kidney disease experience various physical and psychological symptoms, but treatment options are limited because of reduced kidney function and other chronic health problems.
Lungs Problem
The study notes that lung cancer patients experience pain, depression, anxiety, nausea and a lack of well being associated with either the disease or cancer treatments. In addition, acupuncture was shown to significantly reduce pain levels in 61% of lung cancer patients
Liver Problem
The research indicates that integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) protocols into the hospital setting benefits end-stage cirrhosis patients. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are effective for the treatment of end-stage liver cirrhosis and ascites.
Heart Problem
Acupuncture Improves Function in Heart Failure Patients. They performed anxiety-provoking tasks for four minutes, such as solving mathematical equations in their head, and afterward, the researchers measured blood pressure, heart rate, and sympathetic nerve activity
Stomach Problem
Acupuncture Is Highly Effective In Treating Stomach Pain. The variants focus on the stomach region and can leave a person feeling intense hunger, nausea, bloating, and general discomfort that can be relieved at short intervals by antacids.
Treatments & Services
Digestion Problem
Acupuncture for digestive problems is safe and effective way to naturally treat many acute and chronic conditions of this important body system. If you've tried conventional medicine to keep digestive problems in check without success consider acupuncture, which is a holistic health treatment without side effects.
Kidney Problem
Acupuncture and related interventions for the symptoms of chronic kidney disease. Patients with chronic kidney disease experience various physical and psychological symptoms, but treatment options are limited because of reduced kidney function and other chronic health problems.
Lungs Problem
The study notes that lung cancer patients experience pain, depression, anxiety, nausea and a lack of well being associated with either the disease or cancer treatments. In addition, acupuncture was shown to significantly reduce pain levels in 61% of lung cancer patients
Liver Problem
The research indicates that integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) protocols into the hospital setting benefits end-stage cirrhosis patients. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are effective for the treatment of end-stage liver cirrhosis and ascites.
Heart Problem
Acupuncture Improves Function in Heart Failure Patients. They performed anxiety-provoking tasks for four minutes, such as solving mathematical equations in their head, and afterward, the researchers measured blood pressure, heart rate, and sympathetic nerve activity
Stomach Problem
Acupuncture Is Highly Effective In Treating Stomach Pain. The variants focus on the stomach region and can leave a person feeling intense hunger, nausea, bloating, and general discomfort that can be relieved at short intervals by antacids.